Amazon Listing
Keyword-recherche und SEO-Optimierung
Was ist Ihr Ziel mit professionellen
Amazon-Listing-Übersetzungen, PPC und A+ Content
Bei Amazon-Listing-Übersetzungen besteht die Notwendigkeit für prägnante, aber überzeugende Sprache, um die Aufmerksamkeit potenzieller Zielgruppen schnell in einem überfüllten Markt zu erfassen. Darüber hinaus müssen ÜbersetzerInnen die spezifischen Anforderungen und Einschränkungen der Plattform von Amazon berücksichtigen, wie z. B. Zeichenbeschränkungen für Titel und Aufzählungspunkte. Schließlich sind effektive Keywordrecherche und Lokalisierung entscheidend, um sicherzustellen, dass die übersetzten Angebote für die Suche optimiert sind und bei der Zielgruppe in verschiedenen Regionen oder Sprachen Anklang finden.
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Möchten Sie Ihre Produkte erweitern und so hoch wie möglich ranken lassen? Ähnlich wie Google arbeitet auch Amazon mit Suchalgorithmen. lingoking bietet Ihnen eine professionelle Übersetzung Ihrer Amazon-Listings in alle europäischen Marktsprachen sowie American English an.
Bestellen Sie Ihre professionelle Übersetzung einfach und bequem online in nur wenigen Klicks. Mit Hilfe von Tools wie Helium10 und JungleScout sorgen unsere professionellen ÜbersetzerInnen und Amazon-Experten und Expertinnen für eine zuverlässige Keywordrecherche und Wettbewerbsanalyse.
Sie erhalten eine professionelle Übersetzung Ihres Angebots von MuttersprachlerInnen mit Fachexpertise. Eine abschließende Qualitätskontrolle wird intern bei lingoking durchgeführt.
Im Paket enthalten:
+ 1 Titel (150 Zeichen)
+ 5 Aufzählungspunkte (250 Zeichen)
+ Abschließende Qualitätskontrolle
+ Verfügbar in jede AMZ- Marktplatzsprache
+ Optionale Expresslieferung (48 Stunden)
+ Einfacher Download der fertigen Übersetzung
Nutzen Sie die vielfältigen zusätzlichen Übersetzungsoptionen für eine noch professionellere Präsenz auf dem AMAZON-Marktplatz.
+ SEO-Optimierung
+ Keywordrecherche (für das Zielland)
+ Individuelle Keyword-Liste
+ Optionale Expresslieferung (2-3 Werktage)
+ A+ Content (max. 600 Wörter)
+ Zusätzliche child-ASINs (Variationen)
Folgende Übersetzungsservices könnten für Sie ebenfalls interessant sein:
Important questions and answers regarding the translation of Amazon Listings
Similar to Google or other search engines, Amazon also has an algorithm that calculates when and where a product appears in the search results. In other words, if you rely on a good Amazon listing, you can use it to move up in the search results and thus increase your chances of making more sales.
Faulty translations in sales can cause the customer to doubt your professionalism and end up choosing a different product. Therefore, make sure that all your texts are translated correctly to convince even more customers of you and your products.
There's no second chance to make a first impression.
The adjustment of, among other things, weights, date formats and currencies is called localisation. This process is very important when translating Amazon product descriptions — after all, your customers should only receive correct information! Again, localisation depends heavily on the target country & audience for which the translation is intended. Is a product text translated into English to make the content more understandable for an English-speaking customer based in Germany or is the description published in the USA? The more background information you give us when booking, the more "destination-specific" we can translate and localise.
In order for your visitor to also become a buyer, you first have to convince them. With a professional Amazon listing, this is no problem as long as you observe the following points:
➤ Only use product images of the best quality --> if your customers can't see exactly what you are offering, they will quickly leave again
➤ Design a meaningful product title that appeals to customers and gives them important information directly
➤ Avoid (translation) errors in your texts, this looks unprofessional and makes many customers doubt your product (this applies to every language)
➤ Focus on the benefits of your product, why should the customer buy your product?
There are subtle nuances and differentiations in every language which — even with a very good command of the foreign language — can hardly be adhered to and translated accurately as a layperson. In general, we therefore advise against translating menus yourself. This weakens credibility with your reader and rarely makes a professional impression. You may even falsify the content to your disadvantage.
It is better to opt for a professional translator who is guaranteed to translate the content of your Amazon listing with perfect grammar and expression. An additional quality check by a second native specialist translator, a so-called proofreading, offers even more security and is part of the standard procedure of professional translation agencies. Alternatively, if you would like to translate yourself, we also offer proofreading services. The texts in the source and target language are compared with each other and the translation is checked for errors.
In order to provide you with the best possible quality, your translation will only be carried out by native translators. Only our translators will have access to your personal documents. Discretion and security are very important to us, which is why the encryption and upload in the digital order process also follow the highest security levels.
Additional quality assurance is provided by our certification according to the European quality standard DIN EN ISO 17100 for translation services. Of course, we will treat your documents confidentially!
We translate your Amazon listings from German and English into French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Polish as well as English and German. Naturally by specialist translators with the relevant industry knowledge!