DIN EN 17100
We meet the European quality standard DIN EN ISO 17100:2016-05 criteria for translation services:
Definition and standardisation of processes including milestones
In-depth quality assurance with the help of a 2nd linguist
Selection of qualified and experienced translators
Expert project management from start to finish
Professional customer service and the intentional implementation of customer feedback
Use of relevant technology
German BSFZ certification
The German Certification Body Research Grant (BSFZ) certification confirms that we're focused on research and development (R&D). The red seal stands for (partial) in-house R&D projects as proof of our in-house R&D performance:
Striving for innovation
Timely development of our translation and quality assurance processes
Keeping up to date with the industry to offer our employees and customers a modern, high-quality experience
Everything on the subject of certified translations