für Unternehmen

Die Übersetzung von Rechtsdokumenten kann als die Königsdisziplin in der Übersetzungsbranche betrachtet werden. Mit unserer einzigartigen Übersetzungs-App und unserem professionellen Netzwerk streng kontrollierter ÜbersetzerInnen mit juristischer Fachexpertise bieten wir Ihnen nicht nur möglicherweise den schnellsten Übersetzungsservice auf dem Markt, sondern auch eine diskrete Verarbeitung und sicheren Datentransfer.

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Buchbar in 
jede Sprache &
Übersetzt von 
vereidigten ÜbersetzerInnen mit juristischer Fachexpertise
Diskrete Verarbeitung & sicherer Datentransfer mit SSL-verschlüsseltem Upload
Express Lieferung
innerhalb 48h

Unsere Übersetzungsplattform.
Professionell and sicher

 In nur wenigen Klicks können Sie über unsere Plattform eine große Anzahl von Dokumenten von vereidigten Übersetzern mit juristischer Expertise übersetzen und beglaubigen lassen!

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Fragen unbeantwortet!

In Ihrem Dashboard haben Sie die Möglichkeit, mit den jeweiligen ÜbersetzerInnen für Ihre Projekte im Austausch zu bleiben oder Fragen direkt an unseren Customer Support zu stellen. Genauso wenden sich unsere ÜbersetzerInnen oder unser Customer Support bei Rückfragen an Sie.

Der perfekte Überblick 
über einfach Alles!

Egal ob neue Aufträge, fertige Aufträge, Nachrichten oder Rechnungen. In Ihrem Dashboard ist alles gesammelt, was für Ihr Übersetzungsprojekt wichtig ist - so verlieren Sie niemals den Überblick!

Übersicht über alle ToDos!

In Ihrem Dashboard haben Sie einen Überblick über all Ihre Übersetzungen. Außerdem wird deutlich angezeigt sobald Sie Aufgaben zu erledigen haben: Dokumente hochladen, Übersetzungen bestätigen und abnehmen oder ablehnen oder Nachrichten von ÜbersetzerInnen beantworten. Sie haben die Kontrolle!

Schritt für Schritt zur 
fertigen Übersetzung!

Sie können den Status Ihrer Übersetzungsprojekte Schritt für Schritt nachverfolgen und beobachten. Sobald die Übersetzung fertig ist, erhalten Sie die Bestätigung zur Abnahme.

Ihr persönlicher 

Melden Sie sich ganz einfach mit Ihren persönlichen Log-In-Daten an, um alle Vorteile des Dashboards nutzen zu können und immer einen Überblick über Ihre Projekte zu behalten.

No questions remain unanswered with us!

In your dashboard, you have the opportunity to stay in touch with the respective translators for your projects or ask questions directly to our customer support. Likewise, our translators or customer support will reach out to you for any inquiries.

The perfect overview of everything!

Whether it's new orders, completed orders, messages, or invoices. Everything important for your translation project is collected in your dashboard - so you never lose track!

Overview of all to-dos!

In your dashboard, you have an overview of all your translations. Additionally, it is clearly indicated as soon as you have tasks to complete: upload documents, confirm and accept or reject translations, or respond to messages from translators. You are in control!

Step by step to the finished translation

You can track and monitor the status of your translation projects step by step. Once the translation is completed, you will receive confirmation for acceptance.

Your personal login area!

Simply log in with your personal login credentials to access all the benefits of the dashboard and always keep track of your projects.

Juristische Übersetzungen

including quality promise

inklusive Qualitätsversprechen

Egal, ob es sich um Fachtexte oder beglaubigte Übersetzungen handelt, wir gewährleisten stets, dass erfahrene vereidigte ÜbersetzerInnen mit juristischer Fachexpertise diese übernehmen. Jede Übersetzung durchläuft zudem ein internes Korrekturlesen durch einen zweiten Übersetzer, um höchste Qualität sicherzustellen. Ihre Zufriedenheit ist unser oberstes Ziel, daher bieten wir Ihnen die Möglichkeit, bevor die Übersetzung final in den Versand geht, Feedback zu geben und Ihre Übersetzung gemäß Ihren Vorstellungen zu finalisieren. 

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lingoking GmbH


It is not only the cultural and language barriers that can become a problem with legal specialist translations. Legal texts in one's own language are difficult to understand even for native speakers. The same applies to legal language in foreign countries. Vocabulary, style and wording vary from country to country. For translators, this means that they must be familiar with both legal languages in order to be able to translate the content accurately and professionally. This is the only way to ensure that the translation is recognised by all stakeholders in the same way as the source text.

Admittedly, we are not faster than Deepl — but we are better. If one compares the existing translation alternatives on the market, the actual translation service is preceded by an availability request (in-house or translator) or a price quote must first be requested based on the uploaded document. Both are omitted when booking via our integrated price configurator. On the basis of fixed prices and the information you provide, we can quote you a fixed price even before reviewing your document, which does not have to be corrected if the information is correct. And that is why we are simply faster than most market participants. 


With our large network of translators, we can make sure that we will always find a professional translator with legal expertise. 


Not only do we live technology, but so do our translators. Thus, state-of-the-art translation tools are used by our qualified specialist translators. This helps to treat recurring text passages and formulations with common technical terms from case law in the same and consistent way. In addition to being fast and effective, these tools avoid errors and guarantee consistent terminology throughout. This, in combination with human editing, not only increases the quality of the translation, but also contributes to faster and more effective editing.

Depending on the requirements, the different tools, providers and services each have their advantages. However, for professional communication with clients and stakeholders, we recommend not using DeepL exclusively for translation without subsequent proofreading by a native speaker. Although you save considerable costs on the translation, this service does not achieve the translation quality of professional specialist translators. Especially with "unusual" languages - such as Arabic - translation tools are still immature, which leads to many unattractive errors.


As a result, the web-based translation app from lingoking is currently probably the best solution for small to large translation jobs in terms of usability, speed and quality.


The classic lingoking translation service is recommended if time is not the decisive criterion or if you require an offer for larger order volumes. Individual onboarding through our project management, interface optimisation, service and sustainable good cooperation are our focus here. Complemented by the web app for urgent translation – for one or more people in your department or company, this model is probably the best overall package we can currently offer you.

In order to provide you with the best possible quality, your translation will only be carried out by trained and native translators with legal expertise. Only our translators and our project management team/ sales team will have access to your personal documents. Discretion and security are very important to us, which is why the encryption and upload in the digital order process also follow the highest security levels.


Additional quality assurance is provided by the 4-eyes principle — as well as our certification according to the European quality standard DIN EN ISO 17100 for translation services. If you need to get it done quickly, we also offer an express service that allows you to meet even the tightest deadlines. Of course, we will treat your documents confidentially!

Depending on the requirement, the translation cycle passes through different process stages. We use AI-supported CAT tools that make the translation process effective and fast. Supplemented by our professional translators with legal expertise and quality assurance by a second translator, we create the perfect infrastructure for your project. With our large network of translators, we can make sure that we will always find a professional translator with legal expertise. 

With a stamp, a signature and a attestation clause by the translator, these official documents are also valid in court. The court-certified translator confirms the correctness of the ordered translation by this measure. In some cases — especially in the case of proofs abroad — an over-authentication in the form of a legislation or apostille may even be necessary. This in turn confirms the correctness of the signature. Both may and can only be carried out by translators who are sworn in by a court in Germany.